Friday, September 17, 2010

I can't see the net statue!?!?!?

Help! I hold a vista laptop, but I cannot see the network or volume icon in the right appendage side of the taskbar. Every time I try to change it by going to the properties menu, the show clock and power are checked, but I can't check the other ones. They come across to be a light gray color as though I'm not supposed to transfer it. Please Help!

I can't see the net statue!?!?!?

it could be that you dont have them checked for startup within MS config. What you should do is this, and dont do it wrong

In run or the search type - msconfig

click the startup tab

check for something that say something like audio, and oce yu find it you should check it on if it is not already

For network do the samething, it will say something similar to networking options or simply enjoy networking surrounded by it.

If that doesnt work, the following should do it

Lets start with nouns

Go to control panel

Click network and internet

eh ably from this point you shoould search for a setting surrounded by that area. If you want the god, theere will be abox that says maintain icon at taskbarr or something. Im on a desktop so i cant really give a hand past this point.

same for audio. Sorry i cant lend a hand and i might be unclear because typing this freshly made me a little behind schedule for work lol. Have a good afternoon

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