Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I own a laptop that my sister plugged into a socket surrounded by Europe and zapped the motherboard.?

What is promising wrong with it as it doesn't powerup. Is in that an easy fix I can do myself? I'm a adjectives student.

I own a laptop that my sister plugged into a socket surrounded by Europe and zapped the motherboard.?

If it is an American computer you'll have to run to a hardware store and ask them what kind of converter you have need of to get an American laptop to work surrounded by Europe (same goes for any country, I have a friend from China who had to use a special adapter to use his Chinese adapter contained by America).

Then hope the computer wasn't fried and if it was, consequently pray the hard drive can still enjoy the data taken bad from it.

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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