Monday, September 13, 2010

HP Pavillion Webcam For Messenger (AIM)?

I enjoy pretty much spent two weeks trying to find a solution but nothing works. I enjoy a HP Pavillion dv6000 special edition (the white one). I use the webcam to talk to my dad on AIM, but when I use it presently, my dad only see a black screen, although I can see him fine. And he also mentioned that here is a weird static pandemonium. I have tried everything and nought works.

I also tried this:

I have AIM 6 and AIM pro so I logged on next to two different screen name and I tried using video. When I accepted the video invitation from myself, individual the view from AIM 6 worked and the scenery from AIM pro was black and at hand was static close to by dad mentioned. Does this make sense??

Someone sustain!!

HP Pavillion Webcam For Messenger (AIM)?

hey i actually enjoy the same laptop and like problem. i found this site so basically it say that you have to uninstall AIM and install this special one formulated for race with HP laptops. check the site out uderneath. its a message forum from the AIM site. hope it works!!
All i can read aloud is just use Aim 6.

Check the setting for Aim Pro.

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