Monday, September 13, 2010

I am a unsullied mac laptop owner, is here a site i can use to relieve reduce the growing pains?

I am a unsullied mac laptop owner, is here a site i can use to relieve reduce the growing pains?

The Apple website.

MacLife website.

MacWorld Website.

Anything within particular you're have a problem with?
powerfully there's always the apple site itself. stir to support and search wahtever you're have trouble with.

there's another site i approaching called it's a 3rd bash site with great tips & tricks and how-tos for adjectives things mac.

there's also a free podcast on itunes called apple high-speed tip of the week. they're short audio podcasts on the basics of using a mac and making the most of the mac as ably.

please feel free to email me near any specific questions. i'm a long time mac user.

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