Monday, September 13, 2010

Hpw come these games are glitchy?

I merely bought a laptop and it has an laptop near an

Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU,

520 @ 1.60 GHz,

128 MB ATI Radeon Xpress 200m Series graphics card

and 894 MB RAM.

I run GTA San Andreas but it's all glitchy and slow. Also I run World of Warcraft but it get glitchy and slow when im moving around also. Why is that so?

Hpw come these games are glitchy?

Laptops aren't really made for gaming.
maybe you own to let your comp rest a bit until u play the team game then it might be recharged and ready to walk
You've only get 128 MB video memory, and is that graphics card integrated? I.E. is it using system memory? If it is, then that's why it's slow. Upgrade to a card near its own memory to see an improvement, first.

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